Corporate Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management Committee

8 July 2024


Report of the Chief Officer – HR and Support Services


 HR Policy Agreement Processes


1.  This report is presented at the request of the Committee Chair and is for information purposes, there is no decision required to be made by the Committee.  The following information provides an overview of how HR policy is agreed.


2.    Policies relating to the workforce can be contractual or non-contractual and this is usually made clear by the wording or reference in the Statement of Particulars of Terms and Conditions of Employment. The method of introducing new or revising both types of policy are similar but with the main difference being a contractual policy must be negotiated collectively with the recognised trade unions or individually with staff as this will change the contractual terms and conditions of employment.

3.   The majority of Council policies are non-contractual.  Non-contractual policies can be implemented and or changed with consultation.

4.   The Chief Operating Officer, as Head of Paid Service has the decision-making responsibility and authority to set terms and conditions of employment for officers and as such the HR policies applicable to them.

5.   This report is for information, no consultation is required.

6.   This report is for information.




7.   The process the Council follows for developing new or changing existing policy are set out below, however, they can vary depending upon the subject of the policy and extent of the change, for example, minor changes or those required by law to remain legally compliant may be updated just with discussion within the HR management team and informing the trade unions.


Contractual Policies


o   Discuss proposals with the trade unions at regular task and finish group meetings.


o   Consult proposals with managers/relevant stakeholders depending upon the context. (May not be required depending upon the impact of the change e.g. minor amends to wording or limited impact but no fundamental change)


o   Discuss proposals with CMT/Corporate Governance Board. (May not be required depending upon the impact of the change)


o   If agreement reached in task and finish group, present jointly agreed amended/new policy to the Corporate Consultative and Negotiating Committee (CCNC) for endorsement.


o   Where joint agreement is not possible at task and finish group the matter is taken to CCNC for further negotiation.  Agreement will be sought through the required negotiation process.


o   Where agreement is not reached then the council will follow the required legal process to make contractual changes.


Non-contractual Policies


o   Discuss proposals with the trade unions at regular task and finish group meetings with a view to seeking agreement.


o   Consult proposals with managers/relevant stakeholders depending upon the context. (May not be required depending upon the impact of the change)


o   Discuss proposals with CMT/Corporate Governance Board. (May not be required depending upon the impact of the change)


o   Present amended/new policy to CCNC for endorsement.


o   Where agreement has not been reached in the task and finish group the policy will be taken to CCNC and the trade unions will have the opportunity to discuss their points of disagreement at the meeting.  The policy recommendation may be amended as a result of discussion, but the Head of Paid Service has the final decision-making authority if a consensus is not reached.


Council Plan


8.   This report is for information and does not relate to the Council’s corporate priorities, as set out in the Council’s Plan



9.   There are no implications from this information report.


Risk Management


10.        The risks associated with changing or introducing new HR policy are mainly around making changes within the proper legal framework and minimising employee relations issues.


11.        The council is fully aware of the proper processes and legal obligations and follow these as necessary. 



12.        There are no recommendations for this report.

Contact Details


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Judith Bennett

Pay, Reward & Policy Manager

Human Resources

01904 551716



Helen Whiting, Chief Officer – HR and Support Services


Report Approved   Yes

Date 26 June 2024

Wards Affected:  None





For further information please contact the author of the report


Background Papers: None         Annexes: None